Leaving Chuluota and heading south to visit with Skylar and some good friends. First stop is Sky's darling apartment in West Palm Beach one block from the Intracoastal. She & Chloe will fit in perfectly in this lovely old neighborhood with lots of sidewalks and beautiful landscaping.
Met Jaycee, Nick & Kaia for a delicious breakfast and then had a nice driving tour of Palm Beach. Saturday we meandered on down to Ft. Lauderdale to see our dear friend Kathy Latham, who welcomed us with 3 dogs and many cats - a little overwhelming for Chloe! Kathy was as gracious as ever, offering lodging at a nearby vacant waterfront home (except for 2 more cats).
Saturday night we visited Sharon Blondett, another great friend from years ago, at her lovely condo overlooking Port Everglades. Then off to LauderAle to hear blues player Albert Castiglia & visit with more friends. Sunday we drove down to Hollywood to check in with one of Susie's dear friends from her St. Augustine days. Larry has retired from teaching now and his son has finished high school. Good time reminiscing about "the good old days" and watching the dogs chase each other around.
Sunday eve found us at the Latham's gorgeous home on the water, where Kathy & Bob regaled us one story after another as KCL whipped up a spaghetti dinner. Bob is still putting in about 150 hours a week at the shop & Kathy is always busy with a hundred different projects.
Monday found us out west in Plantation to visit Chris Williams, a good friend of the Goonan family from back in the Springfield, VA days. On the way back we stopped by Bil's first house on the old Plantation Country Club circle, and Miami Subs for a tuna pita.
Then back to FTL and a visit to Latham Marine where Bil worked for 15 years in sales, marketing and engineering. They are busier than ever, with more CNC machines filling every square foot of space. Latham World Class Hardware has equipped leading race & pleasure boats for over 40 years. Good to see "old" friends Bruce, Ted & Tom, and latest projects Bob is working on.
Up to WPB for one more night with Skylar & Chloe. That sweet little white doggie has been so good to go everywhere with us with no muss or fuss. I am going to miss her a lot - (and Skylar also!). So many great times & memories in South Florida. Adios.
